Order Validation

Automate customer and credit control for secure orders

Managing customer eligibility and credit limits manually can lead to delayed orders and financial risks. Hyperfox automates customer and credit control, ensuring that only authorised customers can place orders and that credit limits are respected. Simplify your workflows and reduce financial exposure.

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Control customer ordering permissions

Not every customer is eligible to place an order at all times. Hyperfox ensures that only authorised customers can proceed with their orders.

  • Block orders from customers with overdue invoices.
  • Automate approval processes based on customer status.
  • Prevent unauthorised orders with real-time validation.

With Hyperfox, you reduce the risk of unpaid invoices and maintain better financial control.

Control customer ordering permissions
Automate credit limit checks

Automate credit limit checks

Manual credit checks slow down order processing and increase the risk of errors. Hyperfox automates this process to ensure orders align with agreed credit terms.

  • Validate orders against pre-set customer credit limits.
  • Prevent orders that exceed allowable credit thresholds.
  • Automatically flag orders requiring additional approval.

Hyperfox makes it easy to enforce credit rules consistently and efficiently.

Ensure compliance with payment terms

Keeping track of payment statuses manually is time-consuming. Hyperfox integrates seamlessly with your systems to automate this process.

  • Sync payment data from your ERP or accounting systems.
  • Automatically block or flag customers with overdue payments.
  • Enable customers to view and manage their payment status via a self-service portal.

By automating customer and credit control, Hyperfox protects your business while maintaining smooth order workflows.

Ensure compliance with payment terms
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Manage customer eligibility and credit limits automatically.